
This Public Offer (hereinafter referred to as the "Offer") is an official proposal of the Site Administration to conclude with any individual, hereinafter referred to as the "Client", a Purchase and Sale Agreement for the Goods under the conditions stipulated in the Offer.
The Site and the Client hereinafter referred to as the Offer, are collectively referred to as the "Parties", and separately as the "Party".
This Offer is addressed to an unlimited number of individuals who have the appropriate legal capacity (legal personality, delinquency) in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Fed., which allows them to enter into civil legal relations with the Site Administration on the conditions specified in the Offer.
It is hereby presumed and the Client confirms that he has sufficient legal capacity and legal capacity (legal personality, delinquency) sufficient to conclude a Sale and Purchase Agreement with the Site Administration on the conditions established in the Offer.
Acceptance of this Offer is carried out by the Client performing conclusive (actual) actions, indicating his intention, expression of will, and desire to enter into legal relations with the Site Administration. In particular, the specified conclusive actions include the payment by the Client of the cost of the Goods. Acceptance of the Offer means familiarization, understanding of altogether and each separately the terms of the Offer, full, unconditional, and unconditionally consent of the Client with the provisions and requirements specified in the Offer.
From the moment the Offer is accepted, the Sale and Purchase Agreement between the Site Administration and the Client is recognized as concluded and agreed, and its terms are subject to mandatory execution by the Parties.

1.1. For the purposes of this Offer, the following terms are used in the following meaning:
1.1.1. Site - a website owned by the Site Administration and located on the Internet under a domain name (domain, address) -, as well as its derivative web pages, which ensure the interaction of the Client with the Seller through electronic communication channels, including for the purpose of transferring the Goods to the Client and mutual settlements between the Client and the Seller.
1.1.2. Site Administration - the owner of the Site, providing it for use by Sellers and Buyers in accordance with the conditions specified in the Offer, having the rights to use the Site in ways not prohibited by the legislation.
1.1.3. Seller - the Site Administration or any third party, on behalf of and in the interests of which the Site Administration acts on the basis of a mutual agreement, who sell the Goods to the Clients through the Site.
1.1.4. Buyer - an individual who purchases (purchases) the Goods, and/or intends to buy (acquire) the Goods, and/or who bought the Goods, and/or becomes familiar with the information about the Goods.
1.1.5. Product - Game key or Game account.
1.1.6. Game key - a key (code), which is a combination of various numbers, letters, and symbols, required to activate licensed computer games or programs.
1.1.7. Game account - a combination of a unique name (login) and a user's password in the corresponding computer game or program (user account in a computer game or program), which is necessary to enter and use the corresponding computer game or program, including using achievements, level, skills, etc., reached by the user who originally owned the account.
1.1.8. The contract for the sale of the Goods is an agreement between the Seller and the Client, under which the Seller transfers and the Client for a fee (on a reimbursable basis) accept the rights to use the Goods in accordance with its main purpose.
1.1.9. Order - an application of the Client for the purchase (purchase) of the Goods from the Seller, executed through the Site and representing the free and independent intention and expression of the Client's will to purchase the Goods selected by the Client from the Seller.
1.1.10. Electronic mail (E-mail) is a special technology that provides sending and receiving electronic messages, letters, files, documents, etc. through the use of the information and telecommunications network Internet.
1.2. Terms not defined in clause 1.1 may be used in the Offer. of this Offer. In these cases, the interpretation of the terms is made in accordance with the text and meaning of this Offer. In the absence of an unambiguous interpretation of the term in the text of the Offer, one should be guided, firstly, by the interpretation of the terms used on the Site, including in the legal documentation posted on the Site.

2.1. Under this Offer, the Site Administration, acting on its own behalf or on behalf of the Seller, sells the Goods through the Site to the Clients, and the Client pays for these Goods in the amount, on the terms and in the manner established in this Offer.
2.2. The name, assortment, and type of the Product, its description, cost, and payment methods, as well as other conditions, are indicated on the Site on the relevant web page of the Product.
2.3. The Goods are provided to the Client in accordance with the characteristics and parameters specified in the description of the Goods on the corresponding web page. At the time of sale (transfer) of the Goods, the Site Administration guarantees the quality and performance of the Goods.

3.1. Rights and obligations of the Site Administration:
3.1.1. The Site Administration undertakes, at the request of the Client, to advise the latter on the technical side of using the Site and purchasing the Goods.
3.1.2. The Site Administration undertakes to consider and verify motivated claims received from Clients.
3.1.3. The Site Administration undertakes to keep the Site in working order.
3.1.4. The Site Administration has the right to remove information about a particular Product from the Site without prior notice to the Client.
3.1.5. The Site Administration has the right to refuse the Client to execute his Order without explaining the reasons.
3.1.6. The Site Administration has the right to check the information about the Product provided by the Seller, to carry out preliminary moderation of the Product, information about which is posted on the Site.
3.1.7. The Site Administration has the right to engage third parties to fulfill its obligations under this Offer, remaining responsible for their actions and decisions made as for their own.
3.1.8. The Site Administration has the right to carry out preventive work on the Site, and therefore, at the specified time, the Site may be unavailable for use.
3.2. Client's rights and obligations:
3.2.1. The Client undertakes to pay the cost of the Goods, determined in accordance with the terms of this Offer.
3.2.2. The Client undertakes to immediately notify the Site Administration of any claims to the Goods.
3.2.3. The Client undertakes to familiarize himself with the description of the Product, its characteristics, and terms of sale before purchasing (purchasing) the Product.
3.2.4. The Client undertakes to independently and in a timely manner familiarize himself with all the information posted on the Site, as well as in notifications received at the Client's e-mail address.
3.2.5. The Client has the right to independently choose the Product from the list of Products offered on the Site.
3.2.6. The Client has the right to independently determine the method of payment for the Goods from the list of payment methods offered on the Site.
3.2.7. The Client hereby gives his consent to the Site Administration to send any information messages, notifications, etc. to his address, to the Client's e-mail.
3.2.8. The client acknowledges and agrees that the manufacturer may make changes to the technical device of a computer game or program for the use of which the Product is purchased. In these cases, the Client undertakes not to submit any claims and requirements to the Site Administration.
3.2.9. The Client hereby understands and agrees that the internal policy of the manufacturer of a computer game or program may impose restrictions on the transfer of the Game Key or Game Account, in connection with which the manufacturer may take measures to block relevant users using this Product or take other actions aimed at to prevent the use of a computer game or program. The Site Administration is not responsible in this part, and the Client undertakes not to make claims or demands on it, independently bearing all the negative consequences of these restrictions on the part of the manufacturer.
3.2.10. When purchasing the Product, the Client undertakes to act in good faith and not to abuse his rights, in particular, not to purchase the Product with the aim of extorting another Product or committing other unfair actions that cause damage, losses, or costs for the Site Administration or the Seller.

4.1. The cost of the Goods is determined at the discretion of the Site Administration or the Seller on their own in a sole manner and is indicated on the web page with a description of the relevant Goods.
4.2. The cost of the Goods includes all commissions charged by payment systems, using which the cost of the Goods is paid by the Client.
4.3. The basis for payment of the cost of the Goods is the Customer's Order.
4.4. Payment for the cost of the Goods is made by the Client in the ways established in accordance with the technical and technological structure of the Site and indicated on it.
4.5. Payment for the cost of the Goods is made by the Client on the terms of 100% (one hundred percent) advance payment for the Goods.
4.6. The date of payment is the date of receipt of funds at the disposal of the Site Administration.
4.7. The Site Administration has the right, without explaining the reasons and without prior notice to the Clients, to unilaterally change the cost of the Goods by publishing the new cost of the Goods on the Site.
4.8. The Site Administration has the right to establish the minimum cost for a particular Product.

5.1. The purchase of the Goods by the Client is carried out in the following sequence:
5.1.1. Choosing a Product by the Client from the list of Products offered on the Site and clicking on the "Buy" button on the web page with a description of the relevant Product.
5.1.2. Choosing a payment method and performing other related actions necessary in connection with the requirements of the corresponding selected payment system.
5.1.3. Transfer of the Goods to the Client by providing an active hyperlink to receive the Goods.
5.2. The transfer of the Goods to the Client is made only if it is 100% (one hundred percent) prepaid by the Client.
5.3. The Site Administration is considered to have fulfilled its obligations under this Offer from the moment the Client is provided with an active hyperlink to receive the Goods.

6.1. The Client undertakes to familiarize himself as much as possible with the product before purchasing it, in particular, to study the description of the Product published on the relevant web page of the Product. Claims related to and caused by not familiarization / improper familiarization by the Client with the description of the Goods are not accepted by the Site Administration and are subject to rejection.
6.2. In the event of inadequate quality of the Goods (inability to use it for its main purpose) due to the fault of the Site Administration or the Seller, the Client is given the right to choose:
6.2.1. The right to replace goods of inadequate quality with goods of good quality.
6.2.2. The right to a refund of previously paid funds.
6.3. The Parties hereby have established that the quality control of the Goods and the presentation of claims by the Client in this part is carried out by the Client within 30 (thirty) minutes from the moment the Goods are received by the Client. After the expiration of the specified period, any claims from the Client are not accepted and are subject to rejection.
6.4. In the event of a delay or non-receipt of the Goods within 24 hours from the moment the Client is provided with an active hyperlink to receive the Goods, the Client who purchased the Goods must contact the support service of the Site Administration with a corresponding claim. If the specified period is not observed, it is considered that the Client has received the Goods and does not have any claims to the Site Administration in this part.
6.5. The procedure for resolving other requirements and claims of the Client may be established in the text of this Offer.

7.1. In case of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations, the Parties shall be liable under the current legislation.
7.2. The goods purchased (purchased) by the Client are provided on an “as is” basis. At the same time, the Site Administration is not responsible in any form for the discrepancy of the Goods to the goals, objectives, ideas or desires of the Client.
7.3. Nothing in this Offer can guarantee for the Client the full satisfaction of his interests and needs related to the purchase (purchase) of the Goods.
7.4. The Site Administration is not responsible for losses and expenses incurred by the Client, in particular:
7.4.1. losses and expenses caused by actions/omissions of third parties.
7.4.2. losses and expenses incurred in connection with failures and interruptions in the operation of the Site.
7.4.3. losses and expenses incurred due to the impact of computer viruses, Trojans, worms, etc.
7.4.4. losses and expenses associated with blocking the user after using the Product after selling it, regardless of the reason for blocking.
7.5. The Site Administration is not responsible for the loss by the Client of data about the Game Key or the Game account and is not responsible for all the negative consequences arising from and associated with such loss.
7.6. The Site Administration is not responsible for the Goods offered by the Seller (not the Site Administration) for sale. In these cases, the Site acts as an information technology platform on which advertisements for the sale of Goods by other persons - Sellers are posted. In connection with this, if it is impossible to resolve the relevant conflict between the Administration of the Site and the Seller, the Client is obliged to present the relevant claims directly to the Seller from whom the Goods were purchased.
7.7. The Site Administration is not responsible for expenses, losses, and other damage incurred by the Client in connection with familiarization with advertisements, advertising banners, and advertisements, contextual advertising, hyperlinks to which are posted on the Site. The client undertakes not to make claims to the Administration regarding these costs, losses, and other damages, and the claims received are subject to rejection.
7.8. The Site Administration is not responsible for the Client's failure to receive the goods if the Client does not have access to the Site (e-mail) via the Internet for reasons beyond the control of the Site Administration (the Client does not have the necessary software, the ability to access the Internet, the actions of providers, energy companies, exposure to computer viruses and (or) malware, etc.).
7.9. For violation of this Offer and other terms of use of the Site, the Site Administration has the right to apply the following measures to the Client:
· block the Client's access to the Site for a certain period;
· To limit the scope of the possible use of the Site by the Client for a certain period or without specifying a period.
7.10. The parties are released from liability for violation of the terms of this Agreement if such violation is caused by force majeure (force majeure circumstances). The parties agreed that such actions, in particular, are actions of state authorities, local self-government, fire, flood, earthquake, other acts of God, lack of electricity and/or computer network failures, strikes, civil unrest, riots. In the event of force majeure circumstances, the established deadlines for fulfilling the obligations specified in the Agreement are postponed for the period during which the circumstances arise.

8.1. Hereby, the Site Administration and the Client, in relations with each other, have established a pre-trial claim procedure for resolving disagreements and disputes arising from the relationship between them in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. The deadline for responding to the submitted claim is 10 (ten) working days from the date of its receipt.
8.2. In case of failure to reach an agreement on controversial issues, the dispute arising from this Agreement is subject to judicial review: by a magistrate, or in a district court, or in an arbitration court, depending on the jurisdiction and jurisdiction of the dispute in accordance with the current legislation at the location of the Site Administration ...
8.3. In all cases without exception, the applicable substantive and procedural law in the event of disputable and conflict situations is the substantive and procedural law.

9.1. This Offer comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Internet on the Site specified in clause 1.1.1. of this Offer.
9.2. This Offer is posted for an indefinite period and becomes invalid if it is canceled by the Site Administration.
9.3. In the event that changes are made to the Offer, such changes come into force from the moment the new version of the Offer is published on the Site unless another date for the entry into force of the changes is additionally determined when they are published. The Site Administration has the right to unilaterally make changes to the text of the Offer.
9.4. The Client undertakes to independently monitor changes in the provisions of this Offer and bears responsibility for any negative consequences associated with non-compliance with this obligation.
9.5. If the Client does not agree with the relevant changes, the Client is obliged to stop using the Site and refuse the services provided by the Site Administration. Otherwise, the continued use of the Site by the Client means that the Client agrees with the terms of the Offer in the new version.
9.6. The current version of the Offer is located on the Website at:
9.7. This Offer was drawn up in Russian. In the event of any inconsistencies between the version of the Offer drawn up in Russian and the version of the Offer translated into another language, the provisions of the Offer drawn up in Russian will have priority and direct application.